Ready to give services!
Before going to work, I will pray to ALLAH SWT.
''May ALLAH bless my work today and
give me strength to face all of possibility during working ''.
Then I look at a mirror and says
'Hopefully all my patients will recover soon'.
Its been 2 and half years, being a student nurse.
So many experiences and
a lot of stories to tell!!
As a nurse,
I learned to be patience and manage all the problems by myself.
This kind of job really make me matured.
I want to help and care peoples with sincerely.
There is a SISTER in the ward hospital who told me,
''Treat Your patients just like your families"
I will keep this words in my brain everyday I went to work.
Selamat bekerja! Ramai orang ingat senang mau kerja nurse. Tapi sebenarnya diorang nda tau apa2 bah kan. Adeh. Hehe.
;) hee sememangnya mnjd nurse tidak sesenang seperti yg disangka.. byk krja smpaikan tak terjaga dri sndiri.. :)
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